You may have heard of ‘Mission Command’ in the military context. You’re probably asking how something designed to work in battle can work in a civilian organisation and, specifically, how it can help you….
Most people’s impressions about the military are formed from watching war films. The stereotype is of an autocratic, inflexible and often slow-witted organization. Lately, news footage and embedded journalists’ reports are breaking down that myth. Others simply associate the military with warfare and/or authoritarian regimes and find that distasteful. Actually the military are very good at delegation, terrific team spirit, clarity of goals, cheerful resilience.
The doctrine that the British Armed Forces operate to is called ‘Mission Command’. It is also used in the American Armed Forces and in many other countries.
We will pick out the key elements of that learning. Whatever your thoughts about the military, you can benefit by learning from their mistakes, and successes. There are striking parallels with what the armed forces are required to do and with what you are required to do: to deliver results in conditions which can be filled with uncertainty, complexity, risk and hostility. Making consistently good decisions in all circumstances demands the resilience and confidence to manage pressure and adversity.
So can the way Armed Forces achieve success amidst all the perils of the battlefield on land, sea and in the air be applied to commercial activity? Is there a winning formula that can be translated into your environment? It is our belief that some of what the armed forces do can give you the edge in developing brilliance in Far Sightedness, Courage and Steadfastness in prioritising, planning and engaging your people.
At Corporate Battlefields, we don’t have a set solution off the shelf regardless of the issues that need addressing. We will analyse the needs of your organisation; agree them with you and then produce an individually tailored programme exactly measured to meet those needs.
We often find that some element of ‘Mission Command’ will form part of the solution but not always and we are able to bring our unique blend of knowledge and experiences to your assistance.