Our business facilitators are experienced at board and senior executive level and from the outset are responsible to the client CEO for constructing and delivering the programme based on the client’s outcome requirements.

Steve Bird - Business Facilitation Director, Corporate Battlefields
Steve has spent his career in a variety of Human Resources roles, starting with Ford, Glaxo and NatWest before moving on to high profile Group HR Directorships for Australian property giant, Lend Lease and UK’s Trinity Mirror media group. Latterly Steve was based in The Hague with Maersk, the Danish conglomerate, where he had global HR responsibility in their rapid growth ports sector. Steve now works regularly with Corporate Battlefields and has delivered programmes to a number of key clients where he married his in-depth knowledge of the corporate world with a wide understanding of ‘Mission Command’.

Andrew Stuart
With a degree in Economics from The University of Warwick, Andy Stuart held a Short Service Commission in the Royal Artillery serving in Germany and Northern Ireland. He obtained an MBA in 1992 also through Warwick. A 25-year senior management career in financial markets in the City followed. He worked at Board Director level with a number of global banking groups (Flemings, Barclays, Fortis), establishing, relaunching and reorganising different businesses and operations. He has also established a number of entrepreneurial ventures. His leadership experience and focus covers the small unit interpersonal through to the complex multi-national strategic. He is a Member of the IoD.

Colonel (Ret'd) Peter Fraser-Hopewell CMG MBE
Peter has been in leadership positions, and responsible for developing leadership skills in others, for over 40 years. Initially in the Army, including in four major conflict areas, and command of a SAS Regiment. Then, on leaving the Army, for 10 years within a multinational business, as Head of Group Security, operating at the senior corporate level reporting direct to the CEO and board. He has utilised this experience to develop his own skills and views on what leadership is about; putting this into practice often in situations where the consequence of failure, military and business, was severe. His own leadership qualities have been recognised 5 times in the Armed Forces Operational Awards list.